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Revision as of 21:44, July 3, 2013

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What if I need help with technology?
Assistance with classroom technology is available from the College of Arts and Sciences IT department located in Pray Harrold 517. For the Classroom Technology Support Hotline, call 734-218-0921.
How do I schedule a class session with a librarian?
To coordinate a special session with a librarian, visit Halle Library's First-Year Writing Instructor Guide. Related questions should be addressed to Sarah Fabian, First-Year Experience Librarian.
How do I schedule a class in a computer lab?
Computer lab access is limited. When possible, consider using the laptop cart. Further inquiries about lab availability should be made in the department office.
What if I need to cancel a class?
When it is necessary to cancel a class meeting, the first step is to email the listservs to check with FYWP colleagues for possible coverage. If no coverage is available, notify the department office and send an email to your students, cc'ing the director and associate director.
How do incompletes work?
For information about incompletes, visit the Office of Records and Registration FAQ. Incompletes may be assigned at an instructor's discretion, provided 1) the student has a passing grade of C or better at the time of the request, 2) the missing work can be made up in a reasonable period of time (no more than one calendar year), and 3) the circumstances precipitating the request involve a sudden and unforeseeable situation that the instructor agrees warrants an incomplete.
Where do I submit final grades?
The Provost's Office will send a reminder with instructions about posting grades each semester. Final grades are posted in the my.emich.edu system.
Where can I get chalk for the chalkboards in PH414-418?
Ask for chalk in the department office.
What should I do when I encounter plagiarism?
Because plagiarism is a complicated issue, we want to be cautious about offering simplistic or over-general advice about its handling. In cases of blatant plagiarism appropriate responses usually involve communicating with the student about the specific concerns and assigning a failing grade on an assignment or in the course. At the instructor's discretion, you may submit an Academic Dishonesty referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Citation errors, poor paraphrasing (patchwriting), and mishandled direct quotations, however, may not constitute plagiarism, and we urge great care to teach these distinctions in the context of specific writing assignments where such patterns appear. For additional resources on plagiarism, see the Plagiarism for Educators Research Guide.
What if I have a conflict, concern, or issue concerning student behavior?
Guidance concerning classroom disruptions are available at http://www.emich.edu/studentconduct/facultylinks.php. For most matters involving conflict, concern, disagreement, or related issues, we generally prefer an approach that begins with open, direct communication. For instance, at times it is helpful to write a concise email that reiterates verbal exchanges or describes a behavior pattern and to cc the director, associate director, and/or department head. If an in-person meeting would be helpful, contact the program director who will assist with coordinating a meeting.