The Eastern Michigan University Written Communication Program and the Michigan State University Writing and Digital Environments Research Center invite you (faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, teachers, community members, anyone interested) to propose ideas for the third annual WIDE-EMU, a free (un)conference on Saturday, October 12, 2013 in Ypsilanti, Mich. We seek proposals that engage the framing question for this year’s event:


What is “Free?” What does “free” mean as in open access (scholarship, textbooks, courses), “free” as in liberty (copyrights/lefts, released, unrestrained), and “free” as in without charge (software, conferences, beer)? How do these and competing notions of “Free(dom)” operate when we teach–particularly when we teach writing, and particularly when we focus on the use of technology to teach writing? And what are the hidden and not so hidden costs of “Free,” both literal and metaphorical? Learn more about WIDE-EMU ’13 at https://sites.google.com/site/wideemu13/.