FYWP Historical Data

This page provides historical data related to Eastern Michigan University’s First-year Writing Program. It is meant to provide a succinct report on program leadership, enrollments in WRTG596: Teaching Composition at the College Level, the distribution of FYWP GAs by year and program since 2004, and the most recent distribution of GAships within the department.


Figure 1. WPA Table. The table includes the names of the Director of the First-year Writing Program each year since 2004, the number of GAships (.5 appointments) assigned to the First-year Writing Program, and the number of students enrolled in ENGL/WRTG596: Teaching Composition on the College Level, a seminar required for all FYWP graduate assistants.

Figure 2. GA Selection by Program, 2004-2017. The bar graph was established from WRTG596 enrollment data (Source: EMU/Banner).

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Figure 3. GA Selection by Program and Year, 2004-2014. The bar graph was established from ENGL/WRTG596 enrollment data (Source: EMU/Banner). The raw data used as the basis of Figures 2 and 3 is available at the FYWP GAships wiki page. Note that program identifiers are based on the program of study on record when each GA registered for ENGL/WRTG596.

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Figure 4. English Department GAships, 2013-2014 Academic Year. The total reflected in this chart is 38 .5 appointments. According to the spreadsheet kept in the department offices, there are currently 40 .5 appointments. (Source: EMU/English Dept. Budget)