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Eastern Michigan University Attendance Policy for Students

Regular class attendance and active participation in classes are important elements in the learning process. Students are at the University primarily for the sake of their intellectual growth and development. Attendance and participation provide appropriate opportunities for the evaluation of the student’s progress. Each student is personally responsible for the satisfactory completion of the course work prescribed by his/her instructors. This means specifically that he/she is expected to attend classes regularly, and that he/she is responsible for the work assigned in class, the material covered in class and for participation in class activities (including discussion and listening) designed by the instructor as part of the learning experience. However, physical attendance shall not be the sole criterion for determining the student’s course grade.

In the past, the FYWP has limited the number of absences to 4 in order to receive a passing grade. Current variations on this policy include:

As this is a workshop-based class, extensive absences will impact your grade significantly. It is YOUR responsibility to contact me if you will be absent. Treat your classes as you would a job: if you need to call in, then do so, but a no-call, no-show would be discourteous. Remember that YOU are responsible for the work you have missed. Class handouts and readings will be available on the Google site and will be marked with the date; you are still responsible for completing your work and turning it in on time. Missing more than four classes will jeopardize your semester grade; missing fewer than four classes will also affect your performance, since our class activities will contribute to your writing (and grades) on the major projects. If your absences significantly interfere with your participation in this course, I reserve the right to ask you to drop the class.