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Basic Definition

Rhetoric may refer to discourse—spoken or written, usually dealing with persuasion and argument. Rhetoric may also be non-discursive in terms of visuals. (ask Derek more about non-discursive rhetoric...I’m somewhat familiar with Burke’s terministic screen, but that doesn’t necessarily directly relate to visual rhetoric).

Brief History

The art of Rhetoric traces back to as far as the….how much history should I give? Rhetoric can more recently be traced to the 19th century philosopher, Aristotle, who defines Rhetoric as "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” Say more here. Introduce ethos, pathos, and logos.

Ethos: ethical appeals based on character, credibility, and reliability. In rhetoric, ethos are used as a mode of persuasion, and a rhetor’s ethos needs to be established from the start. For example, if a mayoral candidate is trying to convince the public that he/she is credible and should be re-elected, they will try to establish their ethos by saying what positive contributions they have made to the community, how they support the education of children, and why they are qualified for the position.

Pathos: appeals to an audience’s needs, values, and emotional sensibilities. Similar to "ethos", in rhetoric, "pathos" is also a mode of persuasion, but this mode focuses particularly on appealing to an audience through emotion so as to “induce them to make the judgment desired.” For example, to convince us the dangers of second-hand smoke, an advertising company might show pictures of sickly children coughing in a dark room surrounded by smoke in order to make us feel guilty or bad for making children suffer.

Logos: appeal to reason that relies on logic or reason. Often depends on the use of inductive or reductive reasoning “Originally logos referred to the actual content of the speech and how it was organized.”

Though not introduced by Aristotle, kairos can also be discussed when explaining how rhetoric functions. More information on kairos can be found HERE.

Why is it useful?

The study of Rhetoric can be useful in a number of contexts. In order to be successful in a multitude of communication contexts (ranging from everyday conversations to situations where you need to convince someone of your position) understanding the kind of language to use it is necessary to understand the rhetorical situation.

Where can Rhetoric be found in the world?

Because Rhetoric refers, in the most basic sense, to spoken or written discourse, it can be found in almost any communication context, and may be most familiar to people in terms of political rhetoric. Say more.

Where can Rhetoric be found in Academics?

The study of Rhetoric is typically housed in either English and Communication Departments, depending on the type of discourse they study.